
Articles for more in-depth reading

The Life and Music of Lili Boulanger

Written by Edward Bailey, used by permission. Lili Boulanger, Composer (1893-1918) Introduction Early in the 1900s an exceptionally gifted young girl had a profound and lasting effect upon the classical music scene. Marie-Juliette Olga “Lili” Boulanger (1893-1918), born to musical parents, showed talent for composition at a very early age. It was discovered she had…

Metadata for Photos and Other Media Computer Files.

What is this thing called metadata Metadata is generally defined as data that describes other data. Concerning media files though, it is considered as information attached to that file which may define and describe an image or audio file etc. and may also be used to control how it may be used. How do we…

Deterioration Danger Zones

If you are anything like me, you will have been noticing personnel deterioration danger zones. The aches and pains, slow and forgetful brain, lessening speed and strength etc.. Your doctors visits overtake your social cullender as you mature (hopefully) gracefully! The fact is we tend to deteriorate as we get older – and so does…

Recovery and Restoration, How Is It Done?

For most of the 20th century everything was analog. Photos were on pieces of film and photo paper, movies were of long strips of film, video and sound was recorded on long ribbons of brown spaghetti or cut onto cylinders and discs! Almost always the recording in your hand was the one and only original…

Sound Formats

Sound Formats in History Practical sound recording Began with Thomas Edison in 1877 with the cylinder phonograph and many cylinders of early recordings still exist. Very soon after the development of the cylinder phonograph Emile Berliner patented the gramophone recording on a flat disc and this became the general basis for the record industry. Early…

Photo Formats

In the beginning the only means available to preserve the likeness of a person or scene was a painting or sketch and because of the cost involved was only available to the rich. The first practical photographic format was the Daguerreotype developed in France in 1838. The process created a not too clear image by…

Video Formats

Some of the more significant steps in video recording… Reel tape recording The first video tape recorder was released by Ampex in 1956 using 2 inch wide tape. It used a form of recording called quadrature scanning, meaning that a rotating drum with 4 heads scanned at right angles across the width of the moving…